
How does Ward use pyproject.toml?

You can configure Ward using the standard pyproject.toml configuration file, defined in PEP 518.

You don’t need a pyproject.toml file to use Ward.

If you do decide to use one, Ward will find and read your pyproject.toml file, and treat the values inside it as defaults.

If you pass an option via the command line that also appears in your pyproject.toml, the option supplied via the command line takes priority.

Where does Ward look for pyproject.toml?

The algorithm Ward uses to discover your pyproject.toml is described at a high level below.

  1. Find the common base directory of all files passed in via the --path option (default to the current working directory).

  2. Starting from this directory, look at all parent directories, and return the file if it is found.

  3. If a directory contains a .git directory/file, a .hg directory, or the pyproject.toml file, stop searching.

This is the same process Black (the popular code formatting tool) uses to discover the file.

Example pyproject.toml config file

The pyproject.toml file contains different sections for different tools. Ward uses the [tool.ward] section, so all of your Ward configuration should appear there:

path = ["unit_tests", "integration_tests"]  # supply multiple paths using a list
capture-output = false  # enable or disable output capturing (e.g. to use debugger)
order = "standard"  # or 'random'
test-output-style = "test-per-line"  # or 'dots-global', 'dot-module'
fail-limit = 20  # stop the run if 20 fails occur
search = "my_function"  # search in test body or description
progress-style = ["bar"]  # display a progress bar during the run